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2/19/2024 7:36 AM

Animal Success Stories

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A Few Kitten Adoption Stories
A Few Cat Adoption Success Stories
A Few Special Needs Adoption Success Stories

For the original story, click on the name or picture of the cat or kitten.

If you have a PAWS Happy Tails story you'd like to share, please email your kitty's former foster mom or see our Contact Info for our webmaster's email.  We love updated pictures too.  *Note we need the kitty's original name in order to post.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Heidi M

I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! The first day you could just tell this one was going to work out well. She is probably the fastest adapting little one I've ever had. Stitch, the grey tabby was named for the alien from the disney movie Lilo and Stitch because he was programmed for destruction. Sooo, I renamed Heidi to Lilo (although I really liked her name, it fit her well, so it was a hard decision). Stitch had become too much for my tripod kitty who is older and has issues with only three legs and all, and he was beginning to bully her. Lilo has been WONDERFUL!! Stitch was freaked at first. He followed her around the first day growling under his breath. But Lilo gave him back just as good as he gave her when he finally stopped being freaked and thought he was supposed to terrorize her. It didn't bother her a bit. She'd run from him, but just come back and smack him right back. I separated them at night in case she needed intervention, but by night four, she'd decided she fit in. She has some good places to get away from him when she wants to. But, she never does for more than a minute, she just comes right back at him. I've lost my baby! When Stitch was little, I'd let him sleep between my arms while I was working at the computer. That worked fine when he was little bitty, but he'd grown into a full size cat so this was a problem. He thought he was supposed to tuck himself in at night right in the middle of me working. No more. Stitch is more than pleased to have someone to play with now. They gallop around the house. Lilo is braving walking up to the dog to smell him, and I see her being willing to try to play with him before too long. She is afraid of NOTHING. Whoever has fostered her did such a good job because she is so calm with me, the human, but so energetic with her new pal. She likes a little lovin, but always wants to go right back to playing or even sleeping, or just hanging out with her pal. She has done wonders for him. He was getting so bored being an indoor cat, but now has someone to play with. This was just the best match of all my menagerie! They all like the dog, but none of the cats had anything in common that they bonded. Trinity and Stitch did some, but he was too much for her. Trinity is enjoying just fluffing around unmolested now and watching the wild ones play. It's kind of amusing because even the dog will watch them play. Thank you to you all for being her rescue mommies! I think she is truly happy in her new home! ~Victoria, Gabriel (dog), Trinity (tripod), Sh'ma (outdoor feral), Stitch (brother), & Lilo (baby)