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8/23/2024 7:40 AM

Animal Success Stories

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A Few Kitten Adoption Stories
A Few Cat Adoption Success Stories
A Few Special Needs Adoption Success Stories

For the original story, click on the name or picture of the cat or kitten.

If you have a PAWS Happy Tails story you'd like to share, please email your kitty's former foster mom or see our Contact Info for our webmaster's email.  We love updated pictures too.  *Note we need the kitty's original name in order to post.

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Parker came to us from Park St, covered in mange. He couldn't even open his eyes! See his original listing for the progression of's quite astounding.

Having dealt with attitudes of street cats for years, it seemed to Mona that Parker had a home early in life but got put outdoors and left to fend for himself. He was not afraid of household noises, other cats, or dogs.....he was just wary of people. His first instinct was "flight".

So, after his healing, and subsequent trip to the vet for vaccines and surgery, he was allowed out and about with other cats. He became much more confident and definitely wanted to be a lap cat!

When we were contacted by an adoptive family, they were interested in another kitty. After reviewing the application, Mona felt Parker was the best fit.

The adopters came over and Mona held onto Parker, because he wanted to run. This is just his first instinct, again...."flight". After a couple of minutes of petting, he was fine and wanted to be around these new folks. He will probably be like this for while, yet, with any new people who come in to his home.

Parker's adopters emailed Mona within minutes of getting home with him. He settled in as if he had been there before. Right on their laps!! It was awesome!

His adopters had this to say right after they got home: "He's a keeper". They sent pictures of him on a lap already :)

Then the next day:

"...he's really settled in, big time lap cat, and came running out to [greet] me."

"Thank you Mona, You did an amazing job with Parker, and he's an amazing addition to our family. We couldn't be happier. We believe aliens have taken him over because you can actually carry him. No issues with Trixie [dog] or KC [cat]. He's also quite a lap cat and routinely moves from lap to lap."


We adopted Jasmine and Jayden in June 2017 to join our family. We already had two cats so we were a little nervous as to how they would react to the new babies, but they have warmed up to them. They are obsessed with my cat Lelo, she gives them baths and they love it! They are the cutest little cuddle bugs ever! I think they love their new home as well. They have tons of toys and plenty of room to wrestle and run around! Jayden is a mommy's boy for sure! Hes a talkative little peanut, but also loves to start wrestling matches with his sister. Jasmine loves to jump and catch her toys from the air, she also seems to be the bravest of the two. I cant wait to see how their personalities develop in the next few months. We love the little balls of energy. They sure do provide us with entertainment! ~Courtney & Nicholas


"...we thank you so much for allowing us to take this beautiful girl into our lives. She blossoms more each day. She talks all the time. All she wants is to be picked up and loved and kissed. I think we are creating a monster...Ha ha.

She still spends most of her time in our bedroom, but now the door is open and she may come and go as she pleases. The 'boys' are in awe. They aren't sure just why she is here, but there have been no cat fights....only a few growls and hisses. These will subside.

She has been sleeping with us since the first night she was here. We love her. I still cannot image who would put her in a kill shelter. She is wonderful. We are so thankful.."

Backstory: Jovanna was adopted from us in 2003 as a 6-month-old kitten. She was born deaf, and we had pulled her from the kill list at the county shelter.

After 11 years, she was again left at the county shelter. We don't know why the owner did not call us, because we do take them back. Luckily a volunteer at the shelter saw the PAWS logo on the paperwork which was turned in with Jovanna. (BCSO did not contact us - the volunteer did). So, once again, we pulled Jovanna from the county shelter.

We called the owner to find out Jovanna's likes and dislikes. The owner hung up the phone on us and would not discuss it.

Jovanna quickly acclimated to Mona's garage foster area - she carved out her "spot" and would swat at any other kitty who came near! With sometimes a dozen cats free-roaming the area, Jovanna made sure "her" space was secure. Mona set her up with her own food and water nearby, plus two litter pans to choose from.

We were sure a lot of people would like her "look" -- yes, she is one of those "flashy" white cats, with one green eye and one blue eye! However, once they would find out her age and that she is deaf, they would not consider her for adoption. :(

And yes, that is exactly what happened, over and over, for the next year and 3 months. We had about 20 inquiries about her. One family even came over to adopt her in early 2016, and then backed out.

In early July 2016, when another family came to meet her in the foster area, Jovanna responded to them right away....and it's a match made in heaven!!!


We already knew about FIV and hiw it's not a big deal. Patriot (now Sheldon, my brother and I have decided) is great. He slept all night in my bed with me and has been extra snuggly. He is awesome. I can't wait to bring him home to meet the family on Tuesday night!! I will let you know how it goes!


He's doing great! Him and the other boys started getting along way faster then we thought they would! And even better, Remington bonded with him almost instantly! They're little furry best friends and wanna do everything together! It's so cute! I keep trying to get a picture of them together to send to you, but they move every time lol. I can't get over how snuggly he is, and he just figured out last night that if he hides under the end of our comforter , he can attach our feet as we walk by! He gets so excited when he does it! I did manage to snap a picture of him on the kitty tower, which is quickly becoming one of HIS favorite spots :)

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