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7/24/2024 9:55 AM

Animal Success Stories

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A Few Kitten Adoption Stories
A Few Cat Adoption Success Stories
A Few Special Needs Adoption Success Stories

For the original story, click on the name or picture of the cat or kitten.

If you have a PAWS Happy Tails story you'd like to share, please email your kitty's former foster mom or see our Contact Info for our webmaster's email.  We love updated pictures too.  *Note we need the kitty's original name in order to post.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Baby - 2012

What a match made in heaven. I wasn't going to introduce George and Baby until much later, but she popped out of the crate with a "TA-DA! I'M HERE!". Wow! A girlie version of George! They have been on the patio for the last hour both enamored and flabbergasted by each other. She approaches him then he approaches her. They seem equally stymied by the others welcoming response. It is very entertaining to watch. The dog is fascinated by them both but watching from beyond the sliding glass doors. That introduction is for another day! UPDATE: She and George are still getting along like two peas in a pod. They give each other plenty of space but mutually seek each other out with great frequency. Baby has decided the top of the fridge is her favorite spot so a bed has been placed up there for her comfort. We created a “dog free” zone in the house with a baby gate on Saturday. This provided Baby the option of approaching Mecah on her own terms. She observed George and Mecah interact and early Sunday morning jumped down to greet the dog. Baby got a slobbery face for her efforts but otherwise survived. After that, she had no more inhibitions.