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Last Updated:
1/27/2025 5:23 PM

Cricket's Sponsorship Page

DOB appx 4/18/09, Cricket is a dilute tortie shorthair, mostly grey with beige markings on her face.  

Cricket is very playful, thus her name!! Cricket was pulled from kill room at Eau Gallie. Her siblings all got adopted - there were 8 kitties in this litter!

Cricket is the only one who didn't get adopted, and is now a senior in our care.  She is a bit skittish so was hard to catch for adoption events when she was younger (as our kitties are free-roaming). 

She does like it when you are sitting on the couch... then she wants to be next to you getting petted. 

Contact mona at

Cricket's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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